วันจันทร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554


Blood Flow Meter ApS


The display shows the temperature of the measuring disc in contact with the tissue surface.


Data analysis are performed in a computer connected to the apparatus.


A drop of contact fluid is placed on the skin surface and the measuring probe is fixed on the place by adhesive tape or with a double adhesive ring shaped tape.

The equipment is suitable for quantitative measurements of skin blood flow rates in clinical and

physiological research, in diagnostic work and in therapeutic control measurements.

It gives a possibility for measuring blood flow rate in skin areas without arterio-venous anastomoses and also in areas with arterio-venous anastomoses as present in fingers, toes, nose and ear lobes. This is due to the extremely high diffusion coefficient for heat in tissue being 100 times faster than for gasses. This gives the possibility for a fast equilibration of heat between tissue and blood not only in a capillary bed but also in areas with vessels having dimensions as great as arterio-venous anastomoses.

The measuring principle has been used since 1995. A correlation of heat washout data was found to those of the quantitative 133Xenon washout method in simultaneous experiments.

The correlation coefficient was 0.986 in these experiments.

Examples of areas for clinical use are: clinical research, routine clinical use in diagnostic work, and in control of therapeutic effect. This is of interest in the following groups of patients: skin diseases, white fingers, burn and cold injuries, diabetes mellitus, peripheral arterial and venous diseases. Furthermore, in supervision of patients: prematures, children, during anaesthesia, and intensive care, in heart diseases, thyrotoxicosis, and myxoedema, in skin grafts, during surgery, and after transplantation of organs.

The probe can be placed in a sterilized plastic tube foil when used during surgery.

An area of special interest is the temperature regulation research where it is possible to include the regulation of the blood flow rate in the arterio-venous anastomoses, an area of great importance in exercise physiology.

Analysis and output of data

The equipment can be programmed to perform repeated measurements automatically for supervision of patients.

The computer yields possibilities for further calculations and analysis, storage of data, and printout of graphs and tabulated results.

Blood Flow Meter Specifications

Quality control operates at all stages of manufacture.

Reliability is underlined by a two year warranty comprising mecanical and electric inefficiency occured by normal use.

Safety complies with international safety requirements demanded in new patient equipment.

Temperature measurement

Range: ± 5 °C.


0.1 °C, accuracy: 0.1 °C.

Sampling rate

5 seconds time intervals


The analog output from the measuring probe is converted by an interface, PICO®, ADC-16 to a digital output to the computer.


WindowsTM based control, processing and analysis.

Data rate: per 5 seconds.

Trends: data review.


Power supply: 220 V, 50 Hz.

Dimension: W H D mm: 142×123×250.

Weight: 2.3 kg.

Operating temperature:15-30 °C.

The apparatus is tested according to UL EN 60601-1 and 60601-1-

Price : $700